Shay Horay to helm Dog Fashion Show

Christchurch comedy legend Shay Horay is going to the dogs with his latest gig – MC for The Colombo Dog Fashion Show next month.

From Rubberband Boy to bingo caller Keith Preene to chat show Palaver Grand, Shay Horay is an institution in Christchurch comedy. He’ll bring his trademark comic timing and physical comedy to the gig so get ready for some quick wit and even quicker footwork.

Already about 40 dogs have been entered in the show, up on last year’s inaugural event. There’s a DJ ready to drop some suitable bangers when the doggy divas glide, slide or scoot across the stage. All in a good cause too, with Assistance Dogs New Zealand Trust the charity of choice on the day.

To register your fur baby for the big day, go here. Costume is everything so go here for advice on how to dress your doggy. Or you can just get along on the day and enjoy the mayhem!